Home Style Grooming Tips For Men – Quickly Transform Your Appearance

Grooming Tips For Men – Quickly Transform Your Appearance

by nick

I recently read Mark Belmont’s The Handsome Factor and was surprised how some of the simplest men’s grooming tips can make you look and feel better. Not only are they quick and easy to do, but also make a big difference in your physical appearance. I am not saying its right, but in this day and age you are judged in society on how you look. Not only can taking care of yourself make you more attractive to the opposite sex, but can also make you more successful in life. If you look after yourself you will instantly feel more confident and increase your sex appeal. Your physical appearance is based on many factors such as your fitness, health and diet. For this post I am going to concentrate on  men’s grooming basics to get you started.

Your Nose And Ear Hair

As you get older you will begin to grow more nose and ear hairs. I often get nose hairs and used to find myself picking at them all of the time (how attractive)! The best way to get rid of nose and ear hairs is to invest in a nose hair trimmer.  I use the Remington NE3350 Angled Hygienic Trimmer which works prefectly for getting rid of unwanted nose and ear hairs. I tend to use this twice a week and takes about 1 minute for a decent trim.

Your Facial Hair

Some men prefer to be clean shaven, others prefer a bit of stubble. If you like the clean shaven look, make sure you follow these tips below:

  • Avoid shaving in the mornings for a closer shave. Your skin needs to wake up and any fluids to recede that have been collecting throughout the night.
  • Use a facial scrub to get rid of any dead skin cells and open up your pores for a closer shave.
  • Wet your stubble with warm water before shaving. This allows the blade to cut your hair closely without cutting your skin.
  • Massage a high quality shaving cream product into your stubble. A vitamin and Aloe Vera based cream works best and will protect your skin against razor burns.
  • Make sure you use a high quality razor blade. A blunt blade is responsible for cutting your skin and catching hairs.
  • Don’t rush each stoke and wash the blade often under warm water.
  • Always shave in the direction that your hair grows on your face. Shaving in the wrong direction can cause soreness, redness and rashes.
  • After you have finished shaving, apply an oil free moisturiser to soothe your skin. If you want to use an aftershave, make sure it is alcohol free.

If you prefer the stubble look like me, then use the BaByliss i-stubble trimmer. It can be set to various lengths and glides easily over the contours of your face, giving you a clean designer stubble look. You only need to use the i-stubble trimmer once every 3 days to maintain a good look.

Your Body Hair

It is always a good idea to maintain your body hair. The main parts of your body to focus on are your chest, back, and pubic hair. Some men like to shave their legs and arms but this is only really acceptable if you are a bodybuilder or swimmer. If you have a lot of back hair, use the Man groomer Do-It-Yourself Electric Back Hair Shaver. It is a common fact that most women find a lot of back hair unattractive.

I use the Philips Bodygroom to trim my chest and pubic hair. This is a great product for trimming any hair below the neckline for either a clean shave or to trim your hair to a certain length. It is important you trim your pubic hair as it will make your penis appear bigger and cleaner, meaning women are more likely to go down there ;)

Your Skin

It is important that you moisturise your skin regularly to keep your skin hydrated. This includes your whole body, not just your face. I use L’Oreal Men’s Expert products keeping my skin looking fresh and wrinkle free. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day as this also helps keep your skin hydrated.


It is best to stay away from self tanning products as you tend to end up looking like an Umpa-Lumpa. If you’re lucky enough to live in a hot sunny country then try to catch some rays. But always wear sun cream. If you don’t live in a sunny country like me, then go on a sun bed at least once a week for 5 minutes to give yourself a healthier glow. Don’t go too over the top as this can be dangerous and cause cancer.

Your Nails

Always keep your nails short and clean. This means both finger and toe nails! If you work in a job where your hands are constantly dirty, make sure you wash your hands and clean your nails after work. Cut your nails with clippers or scissors regularly and use a nail file to smooth rough edges.

Your Hairstyle

If you are still fashioning the same haircut that you had 10 years ago it might be a good idea to change your hairstyle. Consider going to a more upmarket hairdressers. Although it will cost you more money, they will be able to advise a hairstyle that suits your face and head shape. If you have curley or wavey hair, consider getting men’s hair straighteners to give you more control over your hairstyle.

If you are going bald and its obvious, then its time to shave it all off. Trying to hide the fact that you’re going bald with a dodgy comb over will only make you look stupid.

Your Lips

If your lips are dry and crusty then consider getting some lip balm. Women won’t want to kiss cracked lips.

Your Teeth

Everybody likes a nice white smile, especially women. If your teeth are stained then a quick way to whiten them is by bleaching. If your teeth are crooked then visit your local dentist. If it means wearing a brace for a few month to straighten your teeth then so be it. Many good dentists provide the option of clear braces which are hardly noticeable.

Your Eyes

If you work on a computer all day or in a dusty environment, your eyes can become very dry and blood shot. Try using whitening eye drops to moisturise and make your eyes glow. If your eyes are puffy due to lack of sleep then use L’Oreal’s eye cream that reduces the dark circles and puffy eyes.

Recommended Reading

If you want to improve your appearance and enhance your sex appeal, then you need to read Mark Belmont’s The Handsome Factor. This transformation guide covers everything you need to know about improving your looks. I followed this guide and literally transformed my appearance over night. Mark is currently offering a Risk-Free $1 trail, so you can try now and decide later….


The Importance Of Male Grooming

Many men do not have the time or interest to spend hours in a salon or health spa. However by following these simple quick tips and investing in some male grooming products, you can transform your appearance and increase your sex appeal literally overnight!

To Our Success In Life,

Steve Harold

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