Home Fitness & Health How To Measure Your Penis

How To Measure Your Penis

by nick

I am currently using Aaron Kemmer’s Exercising The Penis Program to enlarge my penis. It’s going great so far and I will be sharing my results with you soon. Before I share my results I thought I would tell you how I measure my gains.

Measuring your progress is an important part of penile exercising. It allows you to see if you are gaining or not. If you find that you aren’t gaining then it gives you the opportunity to review and change your penile exercise routine. Measuring also allows you to see how far away you are from where you want to be. This gives most men more and more motivation with every gain they achieve.

How often you measure your penis is entirely up to you. The more you measure your penis the easier it will be to track your gains. However don’t expect to measure it every day looking for half inch gains.

Measuring Your Penis

To measure your penis you need two items; a straight edge ruler and a soft vinyl measuring tape. You need to measure two parts of the penis:

  • Erect length
  • Erect girth.

You can also measure the flaccid length and flaccid girth if you desire.

You need to measure your penis consistently. If you don’t measure the same way each time, then you may think you are gaining when you’re not. For example, if you measure your penis when standing up the first time, always measure your penis standing up. If you measure your penis when sitting down, always measure your penis sitting down.

How To Measure Your Penis Length


To measure the length of your erect penis you should use a straight edge ruler. There are two methods:

Method 1: Bone Pressed

Rest the ruler above your erect penis and tightly push the ruler against the pubic bone and then record your measurement.

Method 2: Non-bone Pressed

Repeat method 1 above but do not push the ruler against the pubic bone. Instead the ruler should hardly touch the skin in your pubic area.

It is considered that Method 1 (Bone Pressed) is the best way to measure the length of your penis. This is because you can’t cheat by pushing the ruler in any further as your pubic bone will always be there.

How To Measure Your Penis Girth


To measure the girth of your erect penis you should use a vinyl measuring tape.  You need to wrap the measuring tape fully around the penis once and record your measurement. You can also use string and a ruler to measure your girth if you don’t have a vinyl measuring tape. Wrap a piece of string around your penis once and make a mark of the measurement. Take the piece of string and line it up against the ruler giving your measurement.

You should always measure your penis in the same place. This is because certain parts of your penis can vary in girth, for example the head may have less girth than the base of your penis. Measuring your penis in the same place gives your results more consistency. The most common places to measure your girth are the middle (midshaft) or the thickest part of your penis. For the most accurate results, measure the head, midshaft and base of the penis, then divide by three to obtain an average measurement.

Recommended Reading

Every man wants a bigger and harder penis. Having a bigger penis will not only improve your sex life, but also enhance your sexual confidence. I decided to take the first step and found Aaron Kemmer’s Exercising The Penis Program, and I am so glad I did. I managed to increase my penis length by 2 inches and girth by 1 inch in only two months

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