Home Fitness & Health Jelq For A Bigger Penis

Jelq For A Bigger Penis

by nick

The jelq exercise will help you gain girth, length and hardness. To perform the jelqing exercise you use the OK grip to push your blood throughout your penis. The jelq builds pressure within the penis. Overtime the stress of this pressure builds up, expanding, enlarging and hardening the penis.

To Jelq you need lubrication.  Some of the best lubricants you can use are the following:

  • Baby Oil
  • Vegetable oil
  • Olive Oil
  • Cocoa Butter
  • K-Y Jelly
  • Vaseline
  • Essential Vein Oil
  • Penis exercising oils

Eventually you will be able to Jelq without lubricant, but when starting out you should use it to help prevent unwanted side effects such as skin darkening.  Read my post Possible Side Effects When Exercising The Penis. Avoid lubricants such as water because it will only last for a few Jelq strokes. Also avoid any lotions and soaps as many will cause irritation and an itchy penis.

How To Jelq For A Bigger Penis:  Step By Step Guide

  1. After warming up for 10 minutes, Lather your penis with lubrication.
  2. Bring your erection to desired level.  Between 40 and 70 percent works best for this exercise. It shouldn’t be erect enough to have sex, but it should be semi-hard so you can push blood throughout the penis.
  3. Using either hand, use your thumb and pointer finger to create an OK grip and place this at the base of your penis. Make sure the grip is as close to the pubic bone as possible.
  4. Apply pressure to the OK grip and slowly move it up your penis, creating a milking motion. Be sure not to apply too much pressure, it shouldn’t hurt.
  5. Stop the motion directly before the head of your penis. You have then completed one Jelq. Each Jelq should take no longer than 2 – 3 seconds.
  6. Subsequently, take your other hand and repeat the Jelqing process. Switch hands each rep until you have reached the required amount of reps.

Recommended Reading

Everyman wants a bigger and harder penis. Having a bigger penis will not only improve your sex life, but also enhance your sexual confidence. I decided to take the first step and found Aaron Kemmer’s Exercising The Penis Program, and I am so glad I did. I managed to increase my penis length by 2 inches and girth by 1 inch in only two months

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