Only a few years ago, it was challenging for me to understand when a woman liked me. This wasn’t really my fault; I just could not read the signs that a woman was into me. Yes, it is not really a natural instinct, but a learned one. But then, if a woman likes you, how would you really know?
I remember being at a friend’s wedding: I chatted with this attractive girl, but when I felt it wasn’t getting anywhere, I returned to the bar. A friend came over and asked me: “Did you get her number? She’s hot!” I answered, “No, I don’t think she’s interested.” My friend was baffled: “Are you serious? She was totally into you!” I didn’t have a clue! Now I know, and I’d like to share it, so you don’t make the same mistake as I did back then.
Most men who are not used to approaching ladies, especially for the first conversation, tend to remain that way for a long time. This shouldn’t be so. What is the worst that could happen? She could turn you down. Why not use this, and learn from each experience?
How to Tell if a Woman Likes You: 3 Foolproof Signs
Generally, there is no 100% accurate way to be sure that a lady likes you. But if she does, there are things she would tend to do to give an impression. Below are the three easy signs to know if a woman likes you.
Her Eye Contact
The initial attraction between a man and a woman starts with eye contact.
If a woman is not that much into you, she’ll usually avoid making eye contact, or her eyes will wander off to what’s happening around her. She may even be trying to catch her friend’s attention by giving her the “save me” look.
So when a random girl comes over to take her away, there’s usually a reason for it. It’s one of the common tactics women use to eject from a situation they don’t want to be in without being nasty about it.
If a woman likes you, she keeps eye contact with you for a few seconds and smiles in a shy, adoring way, or keeps trying to catch your eye; then she is definitely interested in you in a sexual way. You have to believe in yourself and believe her when she tries to show her interest in you.
Most women will never directly tell you, “Hey, I fancy you; lets hook up.” Instead, they will hint that they like you and wait to see if you have the confidence to express your interest and organize a date.
Her Body Language
Paying attention to her body language is a great way to tell if a woman likes you. Body language lets you know if you’re getting a “yes” or a “no”‘ from a woman.
Some signs she’ll show without even knowing, others she’ll be doing on purpose. If she is; playing with her hair, sitting with her legs crossed, sitting with her breasts pointing towards you, showing more skin than usual, occasionally touching and rubbing up against you, trying to draw your attention to her lips, keeping her eyes focused on you and not paying attention to her surroundings, then she’s showing definite signs that she likes you.
Her Style of Conversation
If you want to be able to tell if a woman likes you, then pay attention to her conversation style. Listen and watch how she presents her questions: if it’s with a smile and upbeat intonation while maintaining eye contact, and she seems totally absorbed in the conversation; she likes you. If it’s a “so what do you do?” in a monotone voice, then she’s probably just being polite.

If she laughs at your comments (even if they’re not funny) with a big smile plastered across her face, that means she enjoys being around you. When we laugh at someone, we unconsciously say, “I like you. And I’m listening to what you’re saying.” And if she is going out of her way to make sure that she’s laughing, she is also encouraging you to keep talking.
If she’s making it obvious that she’s not paying attention to you, focusing on others, and putting you in the position where you have to try hard to get a response from her, then she probably isn’t interested. These are basic techniques to begin your understanding of how to tell if a woman likes you. Once you know that she likes you, it’s important to make sure that you don’t show obvious signs that you’re excited about it.
Never Show Any Signs of Desperation
She may initially like you, but that can all change in an instant if you don’t play your cards right. A lot of men ruin their chances with women by being too eager or desperate to get somewhere with them. Don’t fall into the trap of constantly trying to figure out if she likes you or not. That’s called seeking validation, and it will do you more harm than good and will only make her play hard to get. Instead, when you notice a sign that she likes you, make a mental note and continue having fun.
Advanced Techniques
Now that you know the basics of how to tell if a woman likes you, what’s the next step? I’d probably take a good guess and assume that you still need to know how to show your interest back to her successfully, as well as how to move in for the first kiss and how to move it on to sex. Flirting, making her laugh, listening to what she has to say, and touching her during a conversation are good ways to show you’re interested in her.
Making a good first impression is great; however, you must also learn to maintain a woman’s interest and attraction long enough to make something happen. If you want to learn more, check out the post about how to become an alpha male. It tells you exactly how to do just that.
There is no perfect way to know for sure if a woman is really into you, but by reading some signs, you can accurately predict when a woman is into you. As an alpha male, do not damage your self-esteem by going after women that always turn you down.
It is advised that you learn how to read the signs if a woman likes you before wasting much energy on her case. Trust me; it’s always worth it to give the right energy to the deserving girl.